Whether you regard yourself as low or rich in this world's goods, the Spirit calls you to boast in better things. Namely, in the grace that humbled you to seek salvation in Christ and the hope of an unfading and glorious inheritance to come.
Zechariah's fourth vision takes you up to the highest court of all. The vision assures you that, not only is God free to pluck whom he will from fire, but graciously provides an advocate in Jesus Christ against all the accusations of the enemy.
According to Paul's letter to the Colossians, Christian maturity involves knowledge, good works, and gratitude. Ultimately, however, such maturity is a gracious gift which we cultivate through prayer.
You might not think of big cities as safe places. As we'll see in Zechariah's third vision, however, Christ's city is destined to become not only the greatest and happiest metropolis on earth, but the most secure.
Focusing on the purpose of testing not only strengthens you to endure but provides a real, present foretaste of the joy awaiting those who persevere in faith.
The Lord exhorts you to learn from the errors of our forefathers. Unrepentant Israel was overtaken by the Word of judgment. God promises to return in blessing, however, upon churches and individuals who return to him.
Focusing on the purpose of testing not only strengthens you to endure but provides a real, present foretaste of the joy awaiting those who persevere in faith.
The Lord exhorts you to learn from the errors of our forefathers. Unrepentant Israel was overtaken by the Word of judgment. God promises to return in blessing, however, upon churches and individuals who return to him.