The Sunday Reader: Vol. 2 | #27

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Here are some worthwhile articles to check out on your day of rest.

The First Sexual Revolution: The Triumph of Christian Morality in the Roman Empire

This is a thoughtful review of ways Christianity shaped culture in the first centuries after Christ and what we can learn from it today.

What Draws Atheists, Jews and Catholics to a Presbyterian Church

This concerns a popular church in New York that has sadly “become all things to all people” the easy way, by letting go of their Christian identity. Let it be something like the ghost of PURC Future, warning us not to go down that path.

To Women We Haven’t Thanked Enough

A fine reflection on the value God sees in virtuous women whom the world overlooks.

Will Unbelievers Be Annihilated or Suffer Eternally? (Revelation 14)

Tom Shreiner gives clear biblical explanation to a difficult subject.

ABOUT — The Sunday Reader shares articles we've found particularly insightful, thought-provoking, or edifying this week. While not always representing the views of our Pastors and Elders, these selections offer a mix of viewpoints to broaden and frame your understanding of God, Scripture, ourselves, and the world we serve in Christ's name.

Rev. Michael Spotts

Pastor Michael has been involved in ministry for over ten years. Before his ordination at Phoenix URC, he participated in foreign missions (Australia, Russia). He holds an Assoc. in Biblical Studies (2004) and an M.Div (WSCAL, 2016). 

Prior to ministry, he owned a commercial photography business for ten years. He still enjoys shooting landscape photos.