Respecting the Lord of Life

Text:Exodus 20:13

 Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 40, Q&A 105

Series: The Ten Commandments

The sixth command, “you shall not murder,” can feel remote to people who have never contemplated killing another human being. The Word, however, not only proscribes acts of murder, but common root-sins from which they grow. As well, God wills that we positively respect, defend, and promote human life. Tonight we'll consider how all of this is based on God's love and lordship over life.

Rev. Michael Spotts

Pastor Michael has been involved in ministry for over ten years. Before his ordination at Phoenix URC, he participated in foreign missions (Australia, Russia). He holds an Assoc. in Biblical Studies (2004) and an M.Div (WSCAL, 2016). 

Prior to ministry, he owned a commercial photography business for ten years. He still enjoys shooting landscape photos.