
AM: A Fraying at the Center

AM: A Fraying at the Center

The Bible supplies us with a number of marital foundations which we considered last time. In this sermon, we're going to explore how these foundations are sometimes undermined and in some cases irrevocably broken. But it's not all bad news. We're also going to see the hope that available to all who rest in God's grace, power and victory in Christ.

AM: The Way it's Supposed to Be

AM: The Way it's Supposed to Be

In this introductory sermon, we consider God's original design for marriage, as the lifelong union of a man and a woman. In spite of the difficulties of matrimony in a post-fall world, we'll see the truth of God's words, "it is not good for man to be alone."

More Bitter than Death

More Bitter than Death

Ecclesiastes provides wisdom for relating to the opposite sex. While warning of the danger of being ensnared by one another, he admits the root of the problem is within ourselves. Christ alone can cleanse and restore men and women to the harmony originally intended by God.